February 2018

I’m told, in a cold winter, February can prove to be the coldest month of the winter – time will tell. Some notable dates spring out of February’s short 28 days. It is a month of anticipation. As the days lengthen we reach out in our thoughts to the coming...

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January 2018

Welcome to 2018! I was reminded recently that some years ago I had been involved in a discipleship course called MasterLife. It took as its starting point those words of Jesus in John 15 about remaining or abiding in him and the follow-up, “apart from me you can do nothing”....

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December 2017

Some buy new. Some search out what has been used before. Some get nostalgically attached to what has been there in the past. Christmas decorations! For some it’s a leisurely pace. For others it has all the speed and urgency of a sprint race. Christmas preparations! Whatever, it’s a time...

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