Quiet Word February 2020

So how do you think you will spend it? This year is a Leap Year – we have an extra day this month. If my recollection is correct, I don’t think Leap Years are mentioned in the Bible. However, Psalm 90 clearly commends the numbering of our days so that...

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January 2020 – A Quiet Word

The Bible opens with four profound words: ‘In the beginning God.’ From this everything flows: the vast, mysterious world of outer space, the beautiful and dynamic world in which we live. You and I are part of God’s creation. God’s handiwork is to be seen both in history and current...

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December 2019 – A Quiet Word

A few years ago, the Two Ronnies on their TV programme had a never-to-be-forgotten sketch called ‘Four Candles’ (still to be found on YouTube!). As we enter the weeks leading up to Christmas that are called Advent, each Sunday we will be lighting an Advent Candle. Each of them is...

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November 2019

November includes one of those ‘pause for thought’ moments. That moment is clothed with silence, marching bands, festival of remembrance, familiar hymns, readings and prayer. Our thoughts are not monochrome. The tragedy of war encompasses the losing of loved ones, broken bodies and scarred minds, orphaned children, widows and the...

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Quiet Word – October 2019

Do you have a favourite Psalm? Included among mine is Psalm 5. In it the writer, David, stands as we all do, on the interface between good and evil. From his standpoint, he recognises the very real danger of being swept along with the bad. At the same time, he...

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Quiet Word September 2019

A year has many ‘fresh start’ points. January has its resolutions (maybe better to see them as ‘renewed commitments’). Spring, with its focus on Easter, brings renewed wonder at God’s incredible love for each of us – what a wonderful Saviour we have in Jesus! September brings many fresh starts...

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Quiet Word – Summer 2019

Debbie and I have just celebrated our second wedding anniversary in a hotel that boasts an ‘estuary view’. It lived up to its name: the tidal waters rushed in and then ebbed away. The expression ‘time and tide wait for no man’ was so visibly true. No matter how desperate...

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Quiet Word June 2019

Travelling by train to London for college has its advantages. I have time to have a coffee and eat breakfast. I can relax and rest my eyes, read and I can have my quiet time – read the Bible and my daily Bible notes and pray.   My fellow passengers take the...

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Quiet Word May 2019

The period between Easter and Pentecost is an opportune time for us, as a church and as individuals, to reflect on living in the light of the miracle of Easter. Jesus met with his disciples in different places and times with a number of aims. Some took more than a...

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