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November 2023

Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called
Children of God.” Matthew 5:9

Remember, remember the 5th of November or so the nursery rhyme,
The Gunpower Plot begins. November is now upon us. The clocks have gone back,
the days are getting shorter, and the loud whizzes, bangs and colourful flashes of
rockets and fireworks will soon begin to light up the night sky to remember when
Guy Fawkes tried unsuccessfully to blow up King James and the Houses of Parlia-
ment. Bonfire night celebrations always seems to go on for weeks, rather than just
one night these days, and sometimes even on Remembrance Day when a time of
silent reflection is more appropriate to remember when the guns fell silent over the
western front on 11th November 1918 marking the end of the first world war and a
time of peace. This month is all about remembering. On Remembrance Sunday,
people across the world, come together to remember and honour all those people
who have been wounded or have given their lives in conflicts past and present to
bring us the relative freedom we enjoy today. We can choose to wear a red poppy.
The poppy is a symbol of remembrance and hope. As a church family we are
reminded that we also have our own symbol of remembrance and hope – the cross
– in which we remember the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us, so we
are set free from our sins. We have the freedom to regularly meet and worship him
with grateful praise for all He does for us. As we do so, we have the reassurance of
a wonderful saviour who is at work in our lives through the Holy Spirit. In Matthew
5:9 Jesus wants us to be the peacemakers in a world where tensions, conflicts and
wars between nations are sadly still prevalent and be beacons showing others how
God wants us all to live together in peace. And if we endeavour to do that, we shall
be called Children of God. We continue to ‘remember’ in our prayers all those we
know who are in particular need right now. May they and you know God’s peace,
joy and love in the days and weeks ahead.

Blessings and love,
