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July 2024

This is an extract from a Book entitled ‘Hello – This is message”

Why God Bothered

God cares for me. A simple statement but what makes me believe it
is true? My daily walk to the station provides me with some answers.
At this time of the year I can’t help admiring the front gardens of the houses I pass.
They are ablaze with flowers, shrubs and trees. Why would God have bothered to
create such beauty and colour for us to enjoy if he didn’t care for us? If I leave for
work early enough, I often pass a couple of dog-walkers returning from their
morning walk, just a small part of the animal kingdom which God has created and
in which we take delight. Surely a creation of someone who cares. Walking to the
station on a clear Summer morning, I find myself looking up to the sky to follow
planes as they stack over Brentwood. I’m reminded of the different countries and
cultures from which those planes have come. Why did God provide us with such
variety`? Again, isn’t it because he cares about his creation? As I stand on the
platform there is the usual bustle as the train approaches. As commuters we all
seem to move as one. But really we are all very different. God didn’t make us all
the same. In his love he made us unique and of interest to each other. Through the
life of Jesus most of all we can see just how much care and love God must have for
us. By living among us, in Jesus, God demonstrated the central importance of love
in practice, and proved that in spite of our failings, his love for us remains constant

Thank you for each new day, Don’t let us take for granted our freedom to
stroll in your creation enjoying it’s colour beauty and variety, without remembering
others, deeply loved also by you, for whom this is not an option.
